Many of you scoffed when I said I was making Star Wars HoTT armies "for my daughter" last year but, indeed, they are for her. And this weekend Obi-Jess Kenobi gave them a try.

We started with some very simple and small armies. She played the rebels as was her preference and put a nasty beating on me two games in a row. We played a very straight up HoTT game with Stormtroopers as blades, dewbacks as knights, speederbikes as riders and the rest as warbands or heroes.

Her initial success meant she wanted to try out more cool stuff so we added in a laser cannon, an AT-AT and some snow speeders (artillery, behemoth and flyers respectively). Those damned wookies were a real pain in the butt as warband!

She then lost as more stands meant relatively scarcer pips to move them. Jess then decided she'd rather play imperials so we switched sides. Here she is refusing the centre... I managed to eek out a win but her behemoth general proved hard to kill.

Not so Darth Vader who got surrounded. Apparently "I am the master now" is less funny when you say it while taking a poor eight-year-old-girl's hero off of the table. A fun game and how many wargames games can you teach an eight-year-old in an hour?

Up next: it is club night at the EWG tomorrow and I am also working on two sci-fi HoTT armies. Then back to more 1/72 Macedonians.
Awesome, Bob. It's great that Jess is enjoying the hobby!
Good to see the 'new' generation giving the 'old' generation a run for their money. Been there, had it done to me. By a six year old.... sigh. I should take up fishing or something.
Yes, good die rolling and being unpredictable means she is a tough opponent to beat. After the pasting she put on me in Battlelore and Battle Cry this spring (when she freaking enfiladed my line) I figured a more complex rule set might give me an advantage. Grumble, grumble. Oh well, nice to have someone available to play a game at the drop of a hat!
Very nice pictures and the whole idea to create a HoTT army based on SW saga! Fantastic job!
Startastic! You make me wanna have kids! ;)
Great idea for a game, and nice to see youngsters taking part.
Ray: Yes, I expect she will soon grow too cool to play with toy soldiers but perhaps will still like board games. And gaming teaches all manner of transferrable skills I use everyday. I strategize to achieve goals, I calculate odds and guess how others will react, I use different tactics to unhinge resistance to my needs at work, I belly ache, I use dice to decide important things (e.g., students' grades... I joke!), etc. Hopefully some of this rubs off!
Great idea. Looks like fun. I remember board game nights with my family -- this is really just a different spin on that. I'm looking forward to playing games with my own daughter when she's old enough.
this is just to cool, very nice armies, looks like she is having fun.
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