Saturday, February 8, 2025

Roads and rivers

I dropped in to the Red Claw bits sale in December. It was too crowded to get a decent look at much of what was for sale, but I did drop $20 on a bunch of rubber roads and rivers.

There was about 22 feet of roads and 9 feet of rivers. I spent a couple of days ironing the worst of the bends out of the latex and the mostly sit flat. I'm dithering over whether I try to improve them with a bit of paint and some flocking.

There were also two bridges. One is hot garbage. The other is this very nice piece. For $20, I think I got a deal. If I decide to do any improvements, I'll post some before and after shots.

Saturday, February 1, 2025

More adventurers

So more adventurers this week and a mixed bag. I continue to try to get away fro my medieval peasant palette and use brighter colours. Like any new approach, this means mis-steps and today's batch is pretty visually so-so.

First up is a fighter and what I assume is a cleric, or possibly (the dreaded) slam poet. Or a bard, if that is still a character class in D&D these days.

Next is an elf and a lady barbarian. Both of these figures look much nicer than the pictures convey.

And finally, some magic-users. I have no idea about the dude on the left. The guy on the right I painted as an illusionist. He could also have been a druid, maybe? I hate the green cloak, but love the translucence. Lesson learned about Christmas colours.

Finally, I did these five giant bugs. They were a disaster from the moment I picked up a paint brush. These things happen.

Up next: Some terrain.