I finished up the elven HoTT army this afternoon after a few hours at the splash park with the family. I've done four bases of horse.

These are plastic GW models I got on sale at Mission in June.

Two bases I did with flags to give rider general options.

I also put together two flyers. These are Mageknight or Heroclix figures with a quick repaint.

I also used similar figures as magicians, although much more repainting was necessary.

Finally, I did two dragons.

The detail on these is good, especially with a few highlights added.

Up next: The club tonight and a game tomorrow mean actual gaming! Thereafter, some 15mm goblins and some 28mm skeletons although there is the matter of the fence I promised to help with!.
Cool beans, Bob. What's with all the Fantasy stuff lately? Taking a break from historicals?
Fantasy is fun, I'm enjoying the painting and the HoTT rule system is good.
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