Things have been a bit slow this week as I work through some painting and have been distracted by the good weather. I did manage to complete a 25mm AT-ST for Jessica's Star Wars armies. This was a pre-painted plastic model that I re-assembled (having broken off a foot during debasing), washed and based.

The scale is pretty much spot on and I have based it for HoTT. It is likely to get more action in a Memoir adaptation, though so the basing is mostly about looking pretty.

You can see it scaled against some 25mm West End Games metal troopers and a 32mm Titanium Series walker. Below you can see the hatch detail better.

Up next: I have 21 28mm skeletons nearly done. Just finishing the painting and will then wash and base. I also have the remainder of Jessica's Star Wars guys on the paint table--a mix of droids, bounty hunters and Jedis. We have the club this Tuesday which I'm quite looking forward to.
Thanks for putting the images up..I love star wars and have always wanted to game them but have not been about to make that step....but I think I might have to now...cheers
thanks guys; it is a nice model!
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