Despite a barfing child, I finished some 28mm skeletons last night for my MayDay game. I needed a few reinforcements and I wanted to "Roman-up" my troops to help with the Teutoburg Vlad theme of the game.

With warmer weather, I now work with the window cracked and can again hear the scintillating conversation of the junior high students as they walk by. This has inspired the following description of the MayDay game:
"Varus, like gimme back my legions, bitch."
"Oh, you want this back? Yeah, do you? Okay, here are your legions bro. But they be all dead and zombie-like, bitch."
"Oh, that's totally ass, man. You turned those dudes' corpses against me. Oh damn, that weirdo in the window's got his slingshot out again. Run, bitch! Run!."

Overall, I was happy with these. Not as nice as the Zvezda figures but a lot less work in assembly. Only issue seems to be the big shields are a nice long lever which easily snaps off the skeleton's arms.
I have also been horse trading up a storm with packages going hither and yon and have just received my first returns. It includes Battlelore (which I am pumped to play) and a bunch of 28mm plastics. Anyone need some WF Romans or Celts?

Up next: Craig's union infantry are about half done. And I am considering priming the confederates with grey (must look about for a can of that). Thereafter, maybe some 28mm Saxons? I also have a 28mm Celt chariot to build which sounds less daunting!