After showing a friend my embarrassingly messy hobby room, I started cleaning and opened an old box to find a bunch of Futura Star Trek ships (from Japan) that I no long have a use for. All of the ships are unassembled (I just dry fitted them for the photos).

First up are The Enterprise A, B and C. These are not in any consistent scale (made to fit the box) but the Enterprise B in the background in 4.25" long. All are factory painted. A wash would bring up the etched detail but I have not done anything to these. I'll take offers on these as a group or individually.

The second group are the USS Farragut (
SOLD!), the USS Enterprise D and the USS Enterprise D (Future, I believe this from the STTNG finale). These are scaled together and are roughly 1/3700 so they fit with the ADB and Micromachine ships from the original series. I'll take offers on these as a group or individually.

The third lot contains the USS Prometheus (
SOLD!), the USS Enterprise E (
SOLD!) and the USS Voyager (
SOLD!). These are not scaled together, although I'd say the E is scaled to the lot above and all of these Next Generation ships look fine together. I'd like $10 OBO each (which includes shipping in Canada or the US).

The final lot contains a Klingon Attack cruiser (
SOLD!) as well as a metal ERTL Klingon Bird of Prey (
SOLD!) from 1989's Star Trek V. If you take all three lots above (and I'd like to sell them together to ease shipping), I'll toss this lot in for free. If not, I'd like $15 OBO for the pair (including shipping in Canada or the US).
Offers to I would also consider trades for 28mm-suitable Star Wars vehicles (need some support for my WEG armies) or some DC Heroes Hero Clix figures (interested mostly in Batman, Teen Titans and The Outsiders and related villains).
Up next: Some 28mm Star Wars rebals are being based. Then some 28mm HYW English long-bow are ready to paint. Then back to Star Wars for some characters. And I need to finish playtesting my MayDay game,