As the 200th anniversary of the War of 1812 approaches, I'm slowly getting my ducks in a row to run a bunch of DBHx games. I decided on 1/72 figures (it seems the right scale to my eye for AWI and War of 1812) and have been slowly painting up the forces. I rebased a bunch of
US militia at Christmas and have now moved onto painting up their formed troops.

These are HaT 1/72 Belgium and somethingorother infantry. They have plain uniforms which seems right from what I can tell. The lack of good source materials has frustrated me several times. I finally bought two books by Stuart Asquith on gaming the War of 1812.

There is the hardback
War of 1812: Campaign Guide To The War With America which contains lots of nice colour plates, including re-enactors. Then there is the softcover
Scenarios for the War of 1812-1815 with scenarios and many of the same plates, but smaller. I was a bit annoyed by how much of the text from the campaign book appears in the scenario book. And also how vague and general the scenarios were.

Anyhow, using the colour plates I painted up two batches of American troops. There was so much change and diversity in uniforms, I decided to do two schemes, both early war. These fellows are done in a winter of 1812/13 scheme. The coat is actually a bit bluer than the figures show. The next batch (maybe posted Friday?) has a summer scheme with a bluer coat, white pants and slightly different shakos.

Overall, I'm happy enough with these fellows. I could use some skirmishers, dragoons and cannon, but the core of the army is done. Now onto the British!

Up next: A game tonight with Bruce. And then the rest of the War of 1812 guys. Then a hundred odd 28mm goblins are milling about on the painting desk.