Saturday, August 15, 2020

Trek and a super

Another grab bag with an emphasis on sci-fi.

So I painted up a giant (90mm) Odo that arrived in the post. I thought he would be 54mm so that was a surprise! Other figures for some scale (54mm Picard and 28mm Picard).

I also repainted a Heroclix super (Geo-force from the Outsiders) who had been lingering on the table for awhile. I painted over his green outfit to match him to my 1988 comic book recollection.

I also did some repainting of some Heroclix Star Trek. These are pretty big figures (32mm maybe).

Nice enough but not a great match for the metals that I have. Probably these guys will go up for sale unless I can find a bunch more.

Up next: Hard to say. I have a bunch of zombie survivors that I'm working on. Plus some Star Wars. Maybe some Harry Potter after that?

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