Saturday, July 15, 2023

Last of the Gotham buildings

And this is the last of the model train buildings I picked up in April (or March?). It is a small engineering firm with cool elements on the roof.

I spent a fair bit of time adding highlights and details to the buildings, but I'm not sure it really made any difference! I guess it is a bit dirtier and has better shadows and highlights than when it arrived.

Again, I picked this one up mainly because of the roof details adding visual interest (you spend a lot of time looking down on building roofs when gaming). 

I spent a lot of time trying to figure out if this was small HO-scale or, indeed, was N-scale. In the end, I think it is HO (based on the doors), but is is small building and maybe is slightly under-scale. 

1 comment:

Terry Silverthorn said...

Looks good to me, now we just need to see it in person!