Saturday, July 22, 2023

Cheap-o space terrain

A few weeks back, I was doing some outer-space gaming and realized my printed planets looked a bit lame. Bruce suggested I get some styrofoam balls, cut them in half, and paint them up. 

For a $5 project, I think it turned out pretty good. The scale is a bit wonky and all but that is the nature of space (it is big) and my gaming table (it is small). I have bunch more balls to paint up so I may experiment with painting in a "night" side on the planets. I also needed some asteroids/small moons.

So I took some small balls and applied spray paint to melt them (outdoors, obvs). The resulting crater effect painted up well enough.

I wonder if a bunch of pea gravel laid on the mat in a drift would be more pleasing. Bruce suggested putting a piece of black felt underneath to denote the asteroid field's area.

I also melted a larger ball as a destroyed planet or proto-planet or whatever. Again, a super easy "nothing" project.

Up next: Ideally some Crimean cavalry.

1 comment:

Phil Dutré said...

You don;t have to cut the styrofoam in half. For my space games, I've also cut them roughly at 2/3. It gives a planet that is then more spherical (2/3rds of a sphere ;-)), and another that just sticks out above the surface. It can bring some "height" on the table.

Another idea I've done: stick a wire in one of the planets, than add a little sphere at the other end, thus creating a "moon" that is floating over its planet (and the tabletop).

Asteroids: for some reason, I also found they work better when put on flight stand. Makes them easier to move around if you want to have a moving asteroid field.