I think this was close to the opening set-up with the Donald in red and Hillary in blue. There are four or five rounds of campaigning, then a debate, then a few more rounds before election day. Bruce had played more recently and Hillary had a much better strategy (staying ahead on the issues, getting media endorsements, and prepping for the debate). Donald concentrated on the ground game and locking up the south and the fly-over states.
The redistribution of electoral votes made for an interesting change from the base game. We both fought for California, Texas and Florida. Hillary did a good job in the end of getting all of these states as well as the northeast.
I managed to win the debate but Hillary really impeded my campaigning towards the end.
Election day was a total crap shoot, with a few unexpected block draws giving Donald key rustbelt states and, in the end, denying Hillary enough seats to win.
Overall, a fun re-skin of Election 1960 that I would totally play again.
Is there a three player option?
Kremlin approved!
I don't think so.
Fact following fiction .. wow!
ha! Not my proudest moment as a gamer... .
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