Saturday, December 14, 2024

Dungeon cave tiles

About year or so ago, I bought a bunch of old heroscape tiles, spray painted them green, and hoped to use them as modular hills for gaming.. They didn't prove as useful as I had expected (too small, easily pushed about). During the great hobby room cleaning, I got to thinking that they'd make pretty good floor tiles for a more cave-style dungeon or horror-setting caverns (basically their original use).

So out came the grey spray paint. I also drybrushed, washed, and dull coated them to get bit of variation in the colours. Overall, not a bad effect and this puts these tiles to better use then they were otherwise going to see. That the tiles also have neatly defined areas and are hexes simplifies movement and sight lines.

After experimenting with adapting Zenos Rampant to fantasy skirmish, I decided to just buy the fantasy rules based on a Fistful of Lead. These are en route. 

In the meantime, I'm continuing to paint the 28mm fantasy Chen gave me, which i what you'll see more of over the holidays.


Desert Scribe said...

*Heroscape :)

I have a bunch of these hexes. They come in very handy for Steve Jackson Games' Melee and Wizard as well.

Bob Barnetson said...

Oh yes, scape, not clix.