Saturday, February 1, 2025

More adventurers

So more adventurers this week and a mixed bag. I continue to try to get away fro my medieval peasant palette and use brighter colours. Like any new approach, this means mis-steps and today's batch is pretty visually so-so.

First up is a fighter and what I assume is a cleric, or possibly (the dreaded) slam poet. Or a bard, if that is still a character class in D&D these days.

Next is an elf and a lady barbarian. Both of these figures look much nicer than the pictures convey.

And finally, some magic-users. I have no idea about the dude on the left. The guy on the right I painted as an illusionist. He could also have been a druid, maybe? I hate the green cloak, but love the translucence. Lesson learned about Christmas colours.

Finally, I did these five giant bugs. They were a disaster from the moment I picked up a paint brush. These things happen.

Up next: Some terrain.

Saturday, January 25, 2025

Mechanical golems?

Yeah, I've no idea what these dudes are in the context of dungeons and dragons, so mechanical golem is my guess. They are probably also useful in a sci-fi or steampunk game.

Super easy paint job: copper over white primer, detail, wash, and done. I did spend some time trying to create a lantern-light glow from the eye area and that completely did not work.

Up next: Some terrain and some games.

Saturday, January 18, 2025

Everybody is kung-fu fighting... trolls?

Continuing with the fantasy figures, I have a troll and a monk today. 

The troll is huge compared to the 28mm figures! I did a basic green paint job, which took the wash very nicely. I toyed with doing blue but I have a ton of blue-skinned giants.

The monk is okay. His eyebrows look a bit jugaalo from this angle!

He's better from the back. I was happy with the satiny effect I got on his pants.

I've also been working on improving the look of the stone I've been painting on the bases. This is a black layer, medium grey blocking, then big globs of light grey, which dried unevenly. Then the magic dip over top. I think I gives a decent stone effect for very little work. 

Up next: Some mechanical golems and maybe some terrain.

Saturday, January 11, 2025

Some adventurers

 I turned my hand to a random selection of adventurers.

I have been trying to expand my palette of colours and went for some pastels. I was super nervous doing this but I think they turned out okay. 

There were also these two figures with tails, which I think are Dragon borne (although I have no real idea what that means). The one on the left is more successful than the one on the right, It think.

And, finally, I tackled this orc paladin? 

Anyhow, back to some more creatures next week.

Saturday, January 4, 2025

Bring out your undead!

As I continue to paint some of the fantasy figures I got from Chen, I finished some skeletons and a bear.

I was happy how the bear's face and mouth came out.

The bear is a huge model with lots of detail. 

I also knocked off five skeletons with swords.

They did a good job on the skull.

I've also been experimenting with adding texture to the painted stone bases. This is a medium brown, with a glossy light brown over top, and then a wash. It is an interesting effect.

Up next: Some adventurers.