Saturday, November 30, 2024


 So more of the 28mm fantasy that I got from Chen. Today, band-aide brand horrors.

Nice, simple sculpts that painted up way easier than some of the metal mummies that I have. A combination of block painting, dry brushing and washes to get a stained look.

Up next: Wereboars? Thereboars!

Saturday, November 23, 2024


Or maybe some water elements? Hard to say. Chen very kindly swapped me some 28mm minis and the first ones I painted up were these folks. 

These were cast in a medium blue, translucent plastic, which gave a cool see-through effect but made it hard to see the details. I did a light set of dry brushes and then a wash.

Up next: More crypt-dwellers plus some crypt terrain!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

One-off building

I spent much of early November renovating my gaming room so painting has been slow.

I did finish this single railway building. It has kind of haunted house or mad scientist vibe.

Up next: Not sure. Maybe some fantasy!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Some Gaming

I've been doing bit of afternoon gaming with Bruce lately.

We playtested a campaign mechanic for generating miniature battles for his 1920s gangsters. The mechanics entail tough decisions and should give players reasons to interact as well as fight.

We also play tested a grand strategy game called Swords Around the Throne. Basically point-to-point movement, 22 locations, card-driven, and super hard choices (made worse by only getting half of you card deck (at random) for the first half of each turn (a turn is a year and you have six actions per year). I would love to play this again now that I understand the rules!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

25mm Star Wars Villain

Things are slow on the work bench right now. Awhile back, I had the idea to use up some old bits and extra WEG Star Wars figures by creating "hero" bases.

I grabbed an extra Boba Fett figure and some industrial debris. The lights seem to be washing out the washes I used to make the debris seem beat up and weathered. Bottom picture does a slightly better job at showing the open hatch.

Up next: Zero idea. Maybe some more HO-scale buildings. I'm rapidly reaching the bottom of the paint pile.