Saturday, December 28, 2024

Dwarves and hobbits

And, as we wrap up the year, here are few 28mm adventurers. I grabbed three from the box, all of which are a bit shorter in stature.

First up is a halfling ranger (or thief or fighter?). I was happy with everything here except his face did not pop when I washed it. Probably something I did wrong. Maybe I forgot to highlight the raised portions?

Now a dwarf fighter (or cleric?). There was some kind of design on her shield but the relief was so shallow that I couldn't make it out (maybe a fox?). I decided on a moon theme and ran with it.

And a dwarf with a crossbow, some scale mail, and a cloak with fur trim.

I've painted a lot worse than this so I'm gonna say good enough to finish the year with! Up next will be some more fantasy. Some skeletons, some adventurers, and a giant bear.

Saturday, December 21, 2024

Devils and rogues

I finished some more of the 28mm fantasy figures Chen traded me.

From the monster side of the box, I pulled five demons of some kind. I had previously painted a set of red demons and, since the sculpts were similar, I decided these could be green.

White primer, thin green paint, some white details, a wash and some stone work on the base. I think the treatment worked better than the red ones (which I did using a layered approach).

I also grabbed five rogues (or thieves or brigands or assassins, who knows, really?). I gave each a different outfit as I tried to break out of my habit of painting everything brown and dun and sage. A burgundy scarf is the common element.

These were pretty nice figures and could also be used as adventurers, I guess.

Up next: Some adventurers of the diminutive variety.

Saturday, December 14, 2024

Dungeon cave tiles

About year or so ago, I bought a bunch of old heroscape tiles, spray painted them green, and hoped to use them as modular hills for gaming.. They didn't prove as useful as I had expected (too small, easily pushed about). During the great hobby room cleaning, I got to thinking that they'd make pretty good floor tiles for a more cave-style dungeon or horror-setting caverns (basically their original use).

So out came the grey spray paint. I also drybrushed, washed, and dull coated them to get bit of variation in the colours. Overall, not a bad effect and this puts these tiles to better use then they were otherwise going to see. That the tiles also have neatly defined areas and are hexes simplifies movement and sight lines.

After experimenting with adapting Zenos Rampant to fantasy skirmish, I decided to just buy the fantasy rules based on a Fistful of Lead. These are en route. 

In the meantime, I'm continuing to paint the 28mm fantasy Chen gave me, which i what you'll see more of over the holidays.

Saturday, December 7, 2024


I think? Or just wild boars? Or some creature from the monster manual that I no longer remember because I am now one of the ancient ones?

Pretty nice sculpts that took a wash, some detailing, and then some magic dip. Easiest figures I've done in a while!

Up next: Maybe some crypt-terrain?

Saturday, November 30, 2024


 So more of the 28mm fantasy that I got from Chen. Today, band-aide brand horrors.

Nice, simple sculpts that painted up way easier than some of the metal mummies that I have. A combination of block painting, dry brushing and washes to get a stained look.

Up next: Wereboars? Thereboars!

Saturday, November 23, 2024


Or maybe some water elements? Hard to say. Chen very kindly swapped me some 28mm minis and the first ones I painted up were these folks. 

These were cast in a medium blue, translucent plastic, which gave a cool see-through effect but made it hard to see the details. I did a light set of dry brushes and then a wash.

Up next: More crypt-dwellers plus some crypt terrain!

Saturday, November 16, 2024

One-off building

I spent much of early November renovating my gaming room so painting has been slow.

I did finish this single railway building. It has kind of haunted house or mad scientist vibe.

Up next: Not sure. Maybe some fantasy!

Saturday, November 9, 2024

Some Gaming

I've been doing bit of afternoon gaming with Bruce lately.

We playtested a campaign mechanic for generating miniature battles for his 1920s gangsters. The mechanics entail tough decisions and should give players reasons to interact as well as fight.

We also play tested a grand strategy game called Swords Around the Throne. Basically point-to-point movement, 22 locations, card-driven, and super hard choices (made worse by only getting half of you card deck (at random) for the first half of each turn (a turn is a year and you have six actions per year). I would love to play this again now that I understand the rules!

Saturday, November 2, 2024

25mm Star Wars Villain

Things are slow on the work bench right now. Awhile back, I had the idea to use up some old bits and extra WEG Star Wars figures by creating "hero" bases.

I grabbed an extra Boba Fett figure and some industrial debris. The lights seem to be washing out the washes I used to make the debris seem beat up and weathered. Bottom picture does a slightly better job at showing the open hatch.

Up next: Zero idea. Maybe some more HO-scale buildings. I'm rapidly reaching the bottom of the paint pile.

Saturday, October 26, 2024

Pulp terrain

I finished another of the rehabbed HO-scale buildings I got at the spring model train swap meet. I missed this fall's swap meet but, honestly, do I need more buildings?

This model was really beaten up when I go it. It needs some decals to pop, probably signage in the windows. I don't have nay rub on decals left but maybe I could print out some reversed text (white on black) and glue it into the panes? Some posters hung on the walls might also help. That might be a winter project.

Up next: Maybe a Star Wars figure for Xenos Rampant?

Saturday, October 19, 2024

15mm fantasy

I've been grinding out a few more 15mm fantasy figures for Dragon Rampant. Today, I have some plastic game tokens from LotR Risk. 

These are, I think supposed to be Moria goblins. I did 30 of them and I have another 30 based and primed for when I get desperate in the winter. I think the figures look okay. The sculpts are pretty 2-D but whatever--they cost pennies apiece on fleabay.

I also had a few extra riders from the Joan of Arc game that I finished up.

Up next: Some HO-scale terrain.

Saturday, October 12, 2024

Fistful of Dice Endgame Mechanic

For the past couple of weeks, Bruce and I have been playing some Gangster scenarios using the Fist of Dice rules. The rules work very well for skirmish games and I played a short superhero campaign with them the spring.

One of the mechanics Bruce has been experiencing with is a turn limit one. Instead of a fixed turn limit or the game ending when an objective is achieved, he's been rolling 1d6 at the end of each turn and adding the following:

  • +1 for gunfire having occurred in the game
  • +1 for machine-gun fire having occurred in the game
  • +1 for each figure KIA'd in the game
(Each modifier reflects how player behaviour increases the priority the police would give to responding to game events.) When the roll plus mods equals 12, we enter the end-game staged.

At this point, a random number of cops appears at a random board edge and play continues. At the end of each subsequent turn, the cops on the board take two moves towards (1) any visible figure or (2) towards the objective. If they make contact with a figure, then the figure is arrested and removed from play. A random number of new cops also arrives at another random board edge. Players can shoot the cops but the cop figures just recycle. 

The effect of this is pretty cool. The game plays on but there is much more pressure on the players to take action (i.e., chances) to win before the cops nab all of their figures. Basically, it feels like sudden death overtime. The random arrival also make its hard to plan and adds to the sense of pressure.

This mechanic could probably be used in almost anytime there is some kind of authority structure. For example, a shoot out in a space port could trigger the arrival of stormtroopers who detain everyone, including maybe any Imperials they run into (you never know who is secretly Rebel scum).

Overall, a pretty neat mechanic to change the tempo of the game at the end. It also encourages players to think about when they want to shoot and kill. In a hostage rescue, sooner may be better. In a search-and-rescue game, players (or some players) may want to avoid gunfire.

In a bloody game, the average point at which the end phase would be triggered is likely turn 6. But it could happen as early as turn 3 and as late as turn 9. You can, of course, fiddle the target number to shorten or extend play. Anyhow, a fun little add-on idea.

Saturday, October 5, 2024

BSG Land Ram

A couple of years ago, I got an mdf kit with an order of figures. I promptly mislaid the kit, then rediscovered it, and finally built it.

This is my first mdf model and I had to learn a few things "(Gentle, Lenny. Gentle."). Overall, it went together pretty well, even without the instructions. I added a gun to the cupola from the bits box and also made a hatch cover.

There was a lot of laser-etched detail that I didn't want to ruin with heavy paint so I sprayed and drybrushed this and then used a wash. I think I should have done something to fill in the glass but I was too far into the build when I figured that out. Guess I could make and add some kind of blast shield? Meh?

No joy finding useful decals in my boxes so I handpainted these based on the movie. 

I also cut a plastic figure to make a removable commander to it in the hatch.

I also found a piece of plastic to drop in show the hatch as buttoned up.

Overall, kind of fun and it more or les looks like the movie version (just shorter).

Saturday, September 28, 2024

15mm mounted

Today, I have a job lot of plastic 15mm mounted. These are from the Joan of Arc board game.

There were four of these Genghis Khan horse archers. I also ended up with five armoured knights.

I was really surprised how bad the sculpts were (especially the horses) until I primed and drybrushed them and realized that they are undead riding skeleton horses. Which explains the poorly define musculature on the horses!

Up next: Probably some HO scale buildings and some 15mm goblins.

Saturday, September 21, 2024

28mm furnishings

I'm not sure where these bookcases, chairs, and sofa came from (they are a touch big for 28mm).

Whatever! They are close enough that they'll work and they add some much needed furnishings to my collection.

Up next: Some 15mm mounted.

Saturday, September 14, 2024

HO-scale buildings

Today, I finished some of the beat-up HO-scale buildings I got at the model railway swap meet in April. 

These required some significant work to salvage and, I see now, that I should have taken them apart entirely to adjust the joins. Oh well. A box of buildings for $10 means you get what you get.

Up next: Some 28mm furnishings and 15mm mounted.

Saturday, September 7, 2024

15mm Billmen

Welcome back! This week, I've got the last of the 15mm billmen from the Joan of Arc game. I did two groups of 10: one with red and yellow tunics and one with yellow and white.

I also had some dudes with horns and swords to finish. There are still a few mounted guys in the paint pile before I turn to some goblins.

Up next: Some more refurbished HO-scale buildings.