Sunday, December 21, 2014

15mm HMG platoon

Despite skiing and other holiday-related pursuits (napping, drinking coffee, reading a book), I pushed out a platoon of 15mm Battlefront machine guns. These are US troops that are part of this large commission I've been whittling down.

There are four bases of MGs. I painted these up with a mix of camo and regular uniforms.

There are also two bases of bazookas and a command stand.

Up next: I'm currently painting on twelve 54mm AWI militia. This is forcing me into some colours that are outside my comfort zone (black cherry, basil green, colonial light blue) to get a mix of coats and pants suitable for a militia unit. I also have another company of 15mm WW2 Americans to finish plus a plane to strip and paint. This week I'll also be sorting through my hobby shelves to see what is what.

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