Saturday, March 15, 2025

Fistful of Dice: Deathstroke vs the Teen Titans

Bruce dropped by a few weeks back to try out Fistful of Dice with some superheroes. I put together the most asymmetrical game I could manage in order to really give the rules a test. The result was one hero and a bunch of goons versus four specialists.

Deathstroke has been contracted to kill the Teen Titans. To lure the Titans into the open, he’s staged a jail break, killing the cops in the precinct, and releasing into the streets four of the most fearsome gangs Gotham has ever known.

Team Death Stroke (leader plus 4 groups grunts)

Deathstroke d12 shooting/melee
  • sniper rifle 16/32”
  • sword (+1 in close combat roll)
  • dead eye (+1 to shoot rolls)
  • ferocious (+1 to wound rolls in close combat)
  • tough as nails (4 wounds)
Smith’s Grifters 3x grunts d8 shooting/melee
  • pistol 6/12”
8th Street Ladies Club 3x grunts d8 shooting/melee
  • pistol 6/12”
Father Mark’s Boys School Photography Club 5 x grunts d6 melee only
  • club (-1 to wound roll but add additional shock marker)
Sister Mary’s Girls School Field Hockey Team 5 x grunts d6 melee only
  • club (-1 to wound roll but add additional shock marker)

Team Titans (4 specialists)

Robin d10 shooting/melee
  • batarang 6/12” (shock result only; 2 shocks = 1 wound)
  • staff (may attack from 2” away in close combat)
  • master (roll 1 additional die in close combat and select best result)
  • fancy footwork (win ties in close combat)
Wondergirl d10 melee only +3” to movement
  • magic lasso (may attack from 4” away; wins ties; add additional shock marker)
  • tough as nails (4 wounds)
  • impervious (ignore wound penalties on movement, attack and recovery rolls)
Speedy d10 shooting/melee
  • long bow 11/20”
  • fists (-1 to wound rolls)
  • sniper (once per turn re-roll shooting)
  • eagle-eyed (extra range already factored in)
Cyborg d10 shooting/melee +3” to jumping
  • electric shock 6/12”
  • power fist (-1 to wound roll but add additional shock marker)
  • armoured (roll 1d10 per hit, on an 8-10 the hit is absorbed by the armour)
  • brawler (reroll close combat roll once per turn)

  1. Deathstroke sets up four gangs within 1” of the police station; Deathstroke may be placed anywhere within 1" of the station, including on the roof.
  2. Titans are positioned at least 9” from the police station.
Victory Points (highest total wins)

  • Deathstroke gets 5VPs per Titan OOA, 10VPs if Titan dies in post-game resolution
  • Deathstroke gets 0.5VP per grunt exiting the Board (max 8) and 2 VP per building burgled (no maximum, buildings take 3 wounds to enter).
  • Titans get 1VP per grunt OOA or captured and 10 VPs if Deathstroke OOA
Coppers Arrive

Roll 1d6 at the end of each turn and adding the following:
  • +1 for gunfire having occurred in the game
  • +1 for each building being burgled in the game
  • +1 for each figure OOA in the game
When the roll plus mods equals 12, 1d6 cops from other precincts arrive at a random board edge at the end of each turn. After all play is resolved, the cops make 2 moves towards (1) any visible bad guys or (2) the police station. Any grunts contacted by the cops are arrested. Cops will not attempt to arrest Deathstroke or the Titans. Team Deathstroke can attack cops but OOA cops just recycle.

Game ends
  • All Titans are OOA or off board or
  • All Deathstroke grunts are off board, OOA, or captured.


I ran through the scenario three times (Deathstroke won twice) and it poses some difficult choices. Deathstroke (with a d12)  is super powerful and can easily take out a Titan. But he's also vulnerable to bad rolls. The grunts are almost useless but, again, a bad wound roll can take out a Titan. and there are so many grunts.

1 comment:

Preacher by day said...

That's a good looking table there. It sounds like an interesting scenario too.