Saturday, July 1, 2023

More Gotham buildings and trees

Happy Canada Day! Continuing on with the model train swap meet finds, one of my favourite HO-scale buildings is this one. It is just three-story walk-up apartment. You can build it a couple of ways and I was happy to find another one. The cost of the kit is nuts, so to get one for $10 already built was a deal.

This one needed paint and, more importantly, dark glass in the windows. No glass or clear glass creates an obviously hollow building which is visually jarring because you can see light through it (it lacks, weight if you get my meaning). Fitting glass into this building after the fact was a big hassle because of the way the interior is structured. There was much swearing.

In the end, it turned out alright and is suitably grimy for the residents of Gotham. I have three of these now and are each a bit different. One, bizarrely, has the fire escape on the front, where it conflicts with the entry way (honestly, model railroaders... did you even look at the instructions?).

I also picked up 10 cheap trees ($1 each) to add to my forest collection. I based these on wooden discs from the dollar store and each tree cost about $1.20.

These are not the best fir trees that I own, but they will do to fill out a forest scene. I have a couple of more industrial buildings to finish up repainting but they may be awhile.

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