
Tuesday, December 12, 2017

54mm AWI Provincials

I'm back to 54mm to try and finish off the troops I need for the scenarios in Tricorne. What I have left are a few cannon, some guys in fussy kilts, and a monstrous lot of provincials and militia.

I'm going to try for one unit per week. This week is Team Beige! No historical reference just a generic troop of provincials recruited by some guy with a barn full of tan coats. A real mix of manufacturers add some variety to the built and kit of each fellow.

Overall, good enough. I have a second unit drying now and only 8 more units to go... . Off to Bruce's tonight to try Vikings 848 again. Then the club next week. Need to finish up some suitable winter terrain.


  1. They look splendid and dynamic!

    1. Thanks Phil. Interesting to see most of these figures scale up from 1/72 to 1/35. I keep having flashbacks!


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