
Monday, August 22, 2016

1/76-scale M-36 Jackson

Apologies for the long break in posts. It was entirely unintentional--August just got very busy with the garden and vacationing.

I picked up this M-36 Jackson from Terry this spring. It is an old 1/76-scale Niton model that came with a small diorama, a jeep, watch tower and 37mm ATG. Nice enough kit for its time although olde timey flocking is hilariously bad.

I didn't build the engine or interior of the driver's compartment. I ended up stapling the tracks but the decals were in great shape. Pictured below with a 1/72-scale Sherman and a downed Mosquito fighter-bomber (funny what you notice when processing pictures).

Up next: Another game of Aurelian with Bruce, some 15mm vampire hunters and maybe a game of Airfix Battles (if I can get my act together and finish sorting the rules in my head).


  1. Replies
    1. Thanks Phil; the detailing on the mosquito was a real pain...

    2. I love how well the transparency worked on the wings

    3. Future floor polish. The real truck was assembling the landing gear. Made Roden's 1/72-scale SE-5 look like a snap.


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