
Thursday, March 8, 2012

Barfy 28mm renaissance

I've got two groups of 28mm renaissance figures on the go. I have some pike and sword fellows underway and they are turning out great. And then I have these 28mm archers which turned out terribly. I like to think I'm a pretty decent painter. But I guess I'm allowed to have an off day.

These are old GW sculpts (perhaps from the BattleMasters game). And then I appear to have chosen a terrible colour palette. And then executed it poorly. No idea what happened here. Oh, and I see I forgot to paint the jewel in the middle of their damned foreheads. I expect I will bin these guys shortly.

Up next: Some delightful and newer GW empire sculpts which are turning our just fine, thank you. After that I will finish off some 1/72 AWI dragoons.


  1. Don't bin them. Sell them on Ebay. They're nicer than a lot of people's good figures. You're too hard on yourself. These are perfectly fine - in fact I think they're quite nice.

  2. Mercy me, old boy, tough on yourself today? Don't like the Ronald McDonald livery, then?

    In fairness, these were kind of goofy looking sculpts. The headgear always makes me think of the Blue Raja (Hank Azaria's character in Mystery Men

  3. Dave: Yes, that is bang on who they are!

    Allan and Dave: I'm just wickedly disappointed when I compare them to the other renaissance figures I'm working on. Might reflect the greater detail of the newer figures. But I also made poor colour choices. Blech!

  4. They look just fine but if you don't want them, definitely Ebay them. Or how about making a McDonalds HOTT army then? ;)

  5. Hamburgler as the lurker, Grimace as a behemoth, Ronald as... what? Sounds like a TMP poll idea to me!

  6. Never good when you spend some quality time and what ever reason they don't turn out the way you wanted. I think the problem may be the figure to start with compared to others you may have. Styill the might do some where at the back ;-)

  7. I'm currently painting these. Worst miniatures ever. The left side of the face is a formless blob!

    Anyway, I can see how you'd be dissatisfied with how these painted up, but it's the red colors which focus the eyes and surround the face. You might give adding eyes to these mini's a shot. I tried adding a thin line as a mouth, but they all turned into little Arabian mustaches... :D


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