
Saturday, November 30, 2019

Zeds, Naps and gangsters

A bit of a job lot of figures today. First up are the last of the zombies for awhile, I hope. There were some of the larger guys. Judging by the neck lanyards, I would say civil servants who just got layoff notices?

There were also three regular toxic zeds plus an old heroclix guy who has been lingering on my paint table for awhile.

I also finished of the gangsters from pulp alley. Some very well armed fellows!

Bruce had me over last week to try out some changes to his yet-unnamed Napoleonic game. I got crushed but, in losing so badly, we discovered a few issues to clean up.

Up next: we have the club this week with lunar wars and some WW2 crossfire on offer. I hope to move some more figures, including a building to completion.

Tuesday, November 26, 2019

Sorry, still more Zeds.

So, still more Zeds from the Toxic Mall box. I know you are likely bored looking at them. Rest assured, I'm tired of painting them. But we're nearly done.

I knocked of a mixed lots of regulars zombies (including some bigger ones) as well as a bunch of toxic zombies.

The toxic Zeds are more interesting to look at. But I'll be happy to see the shambling-ass end of this project.

I also finished a few more gangsters from Pulp Figures. Four gangsters plus a lovely fire hydrant and a police box. I think I have three more that just need the base painted.

Up next: Honestly, I'm not sure. I have a building underway. And I need to think through a holiday-themed game. I'm thinking some kind of Franklin Expedition tie-in. The lesson from my last few pulp games is less complexity and smaller tables. So it might be a straight up fight for control of the Terror? Maybe with the ice breaking up? I dunno. Need to layout what I have.

Saturday, November 23, 2019

War at Sea!

We had five guys out at the club this week (bad roads) but Red Claw was packed with painters and gamers. Bruce hosted Chen and Mike in a game of Congo Gulch. At one point Chen was being berated for killing the objective (!) but the game continued.

I played War at Sea with newcomer Derek. Derek trucked a ridiculous number of ships out for us to choose among and gently walked me through a Pacific game.

My allied fleet was up against a nasty bunch of Japanese gunboats. Fortunately, I managed to get lucky with some early airstrikes.

Airstrikes continued to work for me.

And I was up fairly far in points by mid-game.

Unfortunately, I got cocky and ate some torpedoes. And then Derek threw a mitt full of sixes and the HMS Hood exploded and I was down to destroyers and torpedo bombers.

Fortunately, between kills and objective captures, I got enough points to win before the Japanese gunnery ravaged my tin cans.

Overall, this was a hoot to play and Derek was very gracious answering my questions. It is not a simulation but was good fun an d was easy to learn. Since the ships are no longer available, I wonder if the rules could be modified to Star Trek?

Friday, November 22, 2019

Comment function update

Just a quick note. I fiddled the comment function because it has been giving folks problems. The new approach seems to be be working well enough; I hope you are finding it an improvement.

Comments on posts older than 14 days are moderated to prevent spammers from filling old posts with garbage. I can't imagine who would want to spam my blog, but whatever.

Tuesday, November 19, 2019

More gangsters

In between other projects, I have been grinding away at some Pulp Figures gangsters I bought back in September.

I finished five more figures this past week. I was happiest with the one below because he could work for a flamboyant 1930s gangster or a crime boss in the 1980s.

These crooks seemed fine enough. Simple paint jobs but timeless enough.

I was less happy with these guys. I was experimenting with some washes to get a better grey/black. Meh. Fine enough to go on the shelf.

Up next: Probably some toxic zombies.

Saturday, November 16, 2019

More Lunar Wars

Bruce took us back to the moon with four game of Artifact this week using his Airfix figures. He was porting over some scenarios from Marine 2002 so we were doing some play balance testing.

First was a Soviet ground convoy being attacked by US moon skimmers. We played twice, once with four skimmers and once with three before deciding that two skimmers is likely the right number to give the Soviets some chance to getting off board.

We then played a game with some aliens (GW figures). The alien's powers include jumping, a radiation attack, and good melee capability.

The aliens got slaughtered, in part because they may have been over pointed slightly (so outmatched). But also because my dice sucked harder than the vacuum of space.

Finally, we ran a convoy breakout versus a ground force. Here the curvature of the moon (four hex LOS) came into play. Bruce just straight up out played me, catching me one turn behind in my decision making the whole game ("I should probably dismoun... BOOM! ...//sound of no one hearing me scream//."). Clear win for the commies.

Overall, a lot of fun and a very nice execution of miniaturizing a board game. Lots of difficult tactical decisions in a very balanced game system.

Up next: Some gangsters, maybe a game at the club and then a slew of gangsters and more Zeds. Kind of burning out on zombies so will likely kick the survivors from the Toxic Mall box to next year's Zomtober.

Tuesday, November 12, 2019

Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu

A long-postponed project has been painting the 35 figures that came with the board game Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu. I think Jessica got this as a Christmas present in 2017. I planned to roll this out as a Halloween post, but things intervened... .

The figures are a mix of 15mm and 32mm figures. The cultists and shoggoth figures are smaller and really function as counters or currency to track the game's progress towards defeating the players.

The cultists were pretty simple figures. After some debate about painting belts, trim, and faces, I decided mono-colour was better. I was just about to pick up a linen colour and then switched to red to avoid having to explain they weren't clansmen at the beginning of every game.

The shoggoth were harder. I looked at a bunch of different efforts on boardgamegeek and eventually decided to go with my first take: slimy green with lost of eyes.

The counters scale well with each other but are notable smaller than the player-character figures.

Left to right below we have doctor, occultist, driver, and reporter. These were all painted to match their cards (more or less). The figures are nice enough for game pieces, but the detail was not well raised. The occultist (red cloak) was really underwhelming and would have benefited from a prop (a crystal ball in one hand?).

The second group includes a detective, magician and hunter, again, painted to their cards. I was happy with the trench coats--it took a lot of layering to get a decent effect.

The figures are a bit bigger than my 28mm and 25mm collections. I'd mix them in in a pinch.

Up close, you can really see how the detail on the game pieces is soft and needed a lot of help from layering and washes.

That said, they really improve the look of the game in play. Unpainted, the characters were a medium grey and the cultists and shoggoths were an awful teal colour.

A quick paint job really helps add mood to the game and makes it easier to tell the character figures apart. These figures should be a fun surprise the next time Jessica wants to play.

Up next: Gangsters and more Zeds.

Saturday, November 9, 2019

Imperial Settlers at the Club

We had six guys out at the club this week but Red Claw was PACKED, with 22 gamers and painters. Maybe the busiest I've ever seen it on a Tuesday? I was glad Terry was there early to get a table.

Chen and Brandon played Kings of War, while Terry hosted Richard, Scott, and me in a game of Imperial Settlers. This seemed to be Scott's first time with the game and he had a lot of questions. And, of course, he was HUGELY in the lead by turn 3. Like, clearly going to win.

To everyone's dismay, I managed to sneak out a win through a combination of aggression and crafty card play on the last turn (i.e., I was a dink). Overall, a very fun game and thanks to Terry for hosting and umpiring. I think we even played the rules correctly this time!

Painting has been a bit slow, but I pushed another 10 Zeds off the table this week. Nothing fancy about them. I'm just trying to finish the Toxic Mall boxset before Christmas. I'm also working my way through the figures in Pandemic: Reign of Cthulhu.

Tuesday, November 5, 2019


Earlier this fall, I picked up some cops and robbers from Pulp Figures. The cops were finished right away but I set the gangsters aside during Zomtober.

I got back to these this week and finished three. The fellow in the grey suit has been painted up as a detective (note badge below pocket square). I need a Jim Gordon for my Batman coppers and he looks like a young Jim Gordon from Gotham.

If I can lay my hands on an older Heroclix Gordon (a la 1980s comics), I'll probably paint out the badge and he can be a gang boss.

The metals are a touch plumped than the 28mm plastics I have but I'd say they are close enough from three feet away.

Saturday, November 2, 2019

Take me to church

I've been looking to add a church to my Gotham layout for awhile but have had zero luck finding one I liked. Most model railway church are clapboard country chapels. The more gothic models tend to be huge and expensive.

I was at the the model railway swap meet two weeks ago and this church was on for $3 (!!!). I fixed a bad glue job (tower was not plumb with building even though this is basically a snap-tite kit???) and added some paint, a wash, and dull coated.

I think it does a good job of conveying the impression of a church (buttresses, lancet windows, bell tower) without taking up a huge amount of space on the table or my shelves. I think this will work in either a urban setting or as an isolated country church of some vintage.