
Friday, May 25, 2018

Freeman's Farm in 54mm

Taylor dropped by Thursday night for a quick game of C&C Tricorne and I selected the Freeman's Farm scenario based on the troops I had painted up (need to paint more cannon!)

Basically there are two lines that start within musket range and a tonne of trees.

The British look more powerful, with cannon in the middle, grenadiers on the right and Hessians on the left. The rebels have a concerning amount of militia in the middle of their line.

Our game saw a lot of action on the American left. After some shooting, the Americans were driven back.

So I reformed a refusal in the hope of winning elsewhere before the British grenadiers could get to me.

There was then a serious tussle in the middle and some inspired card play by Taylor. This was followed by shite rolling by me and three units of militia routed in one round! This left me with lots of room to maneuver in the centre... .

At this point it was 6-0 for the British (more bad rout rolls) and the game ended at 7 so it was time to take some risks. So I rushed a unit forward with a general attached and just started meleeing my way through his line (the Liberty or Union flag is my hero unit).

Suddenly, it was 6-5 for the British and I was back in it!

The battle on the left disintegrated into a swirling fight among the trees.

Taylor then advanced his grenadiers and regulars on the left and it became a desperate right between a small number of units. I was all set to snatch victory from the jaws of defeat but crapped out and lost a unit during a battle back!

A well fought 7-5 win for the British. Good lord, do militia suck!

Saturday, May 12, 2018

Monsters and cultists

I pushed out a few more Heroclix repaints this week. There are two snake-like creatures plus a giant or demon of some kind. These will work fine for a Buffy scenario.

A few weeks back, I did a "my junk for your junk" trade with Chris and I ended up with a box of Empire Flagellants.

I thought these would serve as useful cultists for pulp games so commenced building (sigh) and painting. Nice sculpts with lots of motion.

They scale pretty well with 28mm Heroclix. I originally had these on square GW bases but decided they would look better on clear discs.

I quite like the fire and whips and skull theme. These are not a slick at the Northstar cultists that Terry has (which are sweet and pulpier) and these are all men, but they will do for now.

I have a bunch more of these on the painting table so they will likely comprise production for th next few weeks.

Friday, May 4, 2018

Some May the Fourth Pulp Alley

I ran a Star Wars-themed game of Pulp Alley for May the 4th at the club this week. Scott has most recently seen a Star Trek episode (TOS no less) so got to choose gangs first. He picked Planet of the Apes. Craig selected Buffy and the Scooby Gang. Chen picked Klingons. And that left Richard with Han Solo and friends.

Players got points for killing figures, solving minor plot points (which revealed NPCs), and for capturing and escorting their NPC off the board (e.g., Klingons had to capture a Romulan). The setting was the stockyard section of Sunnydale and The One's manipulation of time and space to brought our gangs together.

The Apes quickly ran towards a plot point which set of a flurry of dashing about. (Plot points were tribbles). By the end of the first turn, each side was firmly on the board.

Which is about when the Zeds started crawling out of the sewers (in lieu of a major plot point). This was a surprise to everyone.

The Zeds moved at the end of each subsequent turn (with additional reinforcements appear out of each manhole) towards the nearest figure and seeking to brawl. The players had quite surprisingly bad rolls for zombie entry (everyone rolled maximum zombies for several turns--I almost ran out of zombies!) and great roles when playing the zombies against other players.

Several figures got trapped battling (and basically farming) zombies. For example,  Chen's Uwan spent the entire game calming dispatching the undead in this spot

Scott had a similar experience with Cornelius being essentially taken out of play by endless Zeds. Craig used Buffy to farm Zeds and earn points. I suspect next time there would be more running from the Zeds rather than getting trapped.

The Apes eventually solved a plot point to reveal the Romulan that the Klingon's needed. Scott immediately wanted to kill her. I hadn't thought about such a blood-thirst strategy but went with it. Scott and Chen then battled over the Romulan for much of the rest of the game.

The Scooby gang had a tonne of trouble with their plot point. Xander blew himself up. Willow eventually solved it to reveal the droids needed by Han Solo.

The north side of the board continued to be inundated by Zeds. Han Solo discovered the Ape general by solving a plot point and quickly dispatched him (so blood thirsty!). Uwan killed more Zeds.

Solo and Chewy made a move on the droids with a rebel trooper hitting Willow with fire. Chen quipped "Your archaic religion is no match for a blaster."

This was, sadly, the high water mark for the Star Wars gang as the zombies washed over them shortly afterwards ("ummm, Chewy...").

We called the game at the end of Turn 6. Chen narrowly won on points but was also the only player to recover his objective and be heading towards the exitd. Scott and Craig were close behind in points. The Zombie mechanic was a good idea but slightly over-powered: one Zed per manhole per turn would have been fine.

Thanks to the players for their good humour. I was so happy I remembered almost everything. I left Luna Lovejoy's wand as the initiative marker at home so we McGyverized a solution (a box of paper clips). Thanks also to Red Claw for hosting us.